Medicaid Planning
What is Crisis Medicaid Planning?

This occurs when a person enters a nursing home and is not expected to return home; is not on his or her immediate death bed; or has exhausted all of his or her Medicare and private insurance benefits and has been asked to self pay for his or her care.

If you are reading this now you may be feeling confused, overwhelmed, angry, frustrated, saddened, or just plain worn out.

It is likely that you have a loved one who is suffering physically or mentally and certainly financially and you are trying to find help. YOU have come to the right place!

I know first hand the difficulty of decision making and the emotional stress you may be experiencing right now. I have an elderly mother and walk in your shoes. I have over 25 years of experience specializing in providing resources and financial solutions for the aging and those with special needs.


What WE Do.........

  • Financial Evaluation with respect to Medicaid Eligibility
  • Consultation with family attorney as needed
  • Evaluate and present Medicaid Planning options
  • Assist with implementation of chosen planning strategies
  • Apply for Medicaid coverage on behalf of the family
  • Work directly with DFR during the application process
  • Remain in constant contact with the health care facility regarding eligibility for Medicaid benefits
  • Provide representation for family during the initial eligibility appeal hearing if necessary

If you need additional resources I have co-authored a book about Medicaid planning called "A Medicaid Story - finding hope and help" it is available onĀ